Cost: $750.00


(1) AI-Generated Psychological Assessment

(2) AI-Generated Treatment Plan
(3) Three Psychotherapy Sessions with Mike Lubofsky*

• Licensed Psychotherapist, State of California No. 129382
• Licensed Attorney, State of California No. 214060

(1) Provide payment information by clicking here.

(2) Once your payment information is received, you will be sent a link to allow you to complete and submit our Questionnaire;

(3) Within 48 hours after you complete and submit your Questionnaire,  you will be provided access to our secure patient portal where you can access your AI-generated psychological assessment and treatment plan;

(4) Once you are logged into our secure patient portal, you can also schedule your initial psychotherapy session with Mike Lubofsky;

(5) You will then receive confirmation of your initial session and be prompted to complete our Informed Consent document online.

General Outline for Three Psychotherapy Sessions

Session One: Review Assessment and Treatment Plan; collect additional information regarding specific challenges and discuss goals and aspirations for change.

Session Two: Explore concrete skills and alternative ways of relating to challenging situations; define more specific goals to effectuate change between second and third sessions.

Session Three: Develop concrete plan to continue integrating new skills and coping strategies; address anticipated barriers to change and/or motivational challenges.

>> Click Here to Get Started